Friday 18 November 2011

Repeat Semen Analysis Results

I have some great news! Yesterday we went into the clinic to give a sample of my husbands semen and when we got the results today we were so happy that everything appeared to be normal. There are some things that are borderline normal, but normal!

Volume: 3ml Normal: >1.5
Viscosity: Low Usually it's moderate
Concentration: 28 million/ml Normal: >20 million/ml
Motility: 50% Normal >50%
Progression 2 Usually it's 2+-3+
Total Motile Count: 42 million Normal: >20 million/ml

I'm not sure why, but the morphology was missing from the report. We will ask the doctor about that when we see him next.

I know that the count is still a bit low, but at least it's normal. From my research, it seems that lots of men have over 100 million/ml sperm so hopefully 28 is good enough.

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