Thursday 2 May 2013

Cycle Monitoring Update

It turns out that my little follicle didn't make it. I now only have one follicle that is 21mm. It grew 3mm in one day. I'm not sure if the Gonal-F that I took yesterday did that or if it would have happened anyway. Since I only have 1 follicle, we will not be having an IUI this cycle. The doctor of the day told me to come back tomorrow morning and if I don't surge we will trigger, but I'm not sure if I want the trigger. There's no point in having it really, unless the doctor is afraid that the follicle will get too big and turn into a cyst. Now that HCG is covered 80% it won't be so bad getting it. It will just be annoying because we have to pay up front and then mail the receipt to the insurance company. It took them about 2 weeks to give us our money back from the last Gonal-F cycle. I'm so happy that fertility drugs are now 80% covered. It will make IVF a lot cheaper especially since I'm a poor responder and will need more drugs than the average person.

I'm a little worried about IVF. There aren't many success stories out there from women who have low ovarian reserve. I'm afraid that once they retrieve eggs (if they do retrieve any), that they will all be crap. I guess only time will tell. I'm also afraid that I won't respond to the medicine properly. Medicine seems to make 1 follicle grow very fast instead of making them grow all together. I found out that there is no waiting list for IVF like I thought there would be. After our information session we have to make an appointment with the IVF co-ordinator and then it's just a matter of waiting for AF to show up to start the cycle. I have an appointment with my doctor on May 29, so I'm hoping we can start IVF in June or July. Actually I'm hoping we don't need it at all, but I don't think getting pregnant is going to happen naturally for us, unfortunately :(

Wednesday 1 May 2013

High FSH on Day 3 and Cycle Monitoring Day 10 Update

I went to the clinic this morning for my usual checkup and got a bruise from the blood test that  matches my other 2 bruises from this cycle lol. They can never find a vein in my arm so they always take it from my hand. You should see all of the scars I have on my hands from all the blood tests I have had in the last 1.5 years at the fertility clinic.

For whatever reason the ultrasound technician was very rough with the ultrasound probe. It felt like she shoved it in me as hard as she could and was very rough when the probe was in. Usually all of the technicians are very gentle and take their time, but not this lady. She has always been kind of rough with the probe, but today she was worse.

After the ultrasound was over I saw the doctor of the day, Dr. Jizz. (his nickname). He said I have one mature follicle at 18 mm and 1 other follicle at 16mm. He told me to come back tomorrow and every day until I ovulate. I didn't ask for my lining but I'm sure it was crap. I'll make sure to ask what it is tomorrow. DH said that depending on what the 16mm follicle does tomorrow that we will have an IUI. If it grows and matures that's our plan.

I also asked what my FSH on CD3 was and to my disappointment it was a whopping 11.9, the highest it has ever been :( My clinic says that anything over 11 is high. I'm only 30 so this is definitely concerning me. My FSH is 11.9, my AMH is 1.2 (probably lower now), and my AFC ranges from 4-12. I have been noticing that my AFC is declining. It hasn't been higher than 9 since the fall which depresses me since this can't be good for IVF. I want to have another AMH test, but it costs $85 so we will probably wait until July because that will be a year since we had it last. I'm afraid of seeing a huge decline on that number because my AFC was higher when I had the AMH test last.

Why can't my body be normal? Will I ever have children? I have wanted a baby since I came off of birth control over 3 years ago. We have been doing everything we possibly can do to get pregnant and nothing is working. If I was a normal person I would probably be TTC # 3 right now. Lately I have been so sad and don't know how to get out of this depression.

I'll blog again tomorrow to give you an update on my cycle. Fingers crossed my 16mm follicle grows and we do an IUI this cycle. I feel like our chances are better with an IUI than timed intercourse.

Monday 29 April 2013

Cycle Day 8 Follicle

I usually go to get monitored on cycle day 10, but because sometimes medication makes me ovulate early I go in on cycle day 8 on medicated cycles. It turns out that I didn't need to come in early this cycle because I only have 1 small follicle at 13mm. I usually have more than 1 this early, so I'm hoping that it doesn't disappear and other ones appear. The doctor of the day told me to come back on Wednesday. I forgot to ask for my cycle day 3 FSH and other lab numbers. I'm going to see if they can give me a print out of all my cycles that were monitored and all of my blood test results with DH's SA's. I don't have much hope for this cycle, or any future cycle for that matter. I'm having a very bad day, actually I have been depressed since last week and I can't seem to snap out of it :(

Friday 26 April 2013

My IUI with injections failed :( Now waiting for IVF.

Well, my 5th IUI cycle didn't work. Deep down I knew it wouldn't work, but I still wanted to take the chance. I was really hoping that I would have had a better response to the injections and that after taking a multi vitamin and quitting smoking DH would have a better post was sperm count than usual, but neither of those things happened and worst of all I got AF :( For whatever reason my LP was only 9 days even with progesterone support. I don't think that I took enough progesterone (200mg/day) and I also don't think that I started it early enough. I usually start it on 2 dpo or whenever the clinic tells me to, but this time something came up and I couldn't start it until 5dpo. I didn't think that would matter, but obviously it has. I wasn't sure if it was the HCG shot or the Femara that gave me a normal LP of 16 days, but since I didn't take Femara last cycle I'm assuming that it was the Femara that was responsible.

I'm on CD5 right now and on my 3rd day of Femara. I went for monitoring on CD3 and what a nightmare that was since AF was extremely heavy that day. Let's just say it got kind of messy LOL. TMI, but when I was finished there was blood all over my legs and paper gown they gave me, it was quite messy. The ultrasound tech said that the next time I should empty my bladder before the ultrasound to avoid the messiness. And of course I only had 7 follicles :( 4 on my right and 3 on my left. My AFC is always so low which concerns me when it comes time for IVF. The doctor prescribed me my usual 7.5mg of Femara so I'm hoping that 2 of those 7 follicles mature. Sometimes Femara makes me ovulate 2 follicles which is odd since women online have said that Femara is usually prescribed to people who want to avoid multiples. So, the medication that's not supposed to give you more than 1 mature follicle does and the injections that are supposed to give you more than 1 doesn't? What's wrong with that picture? If I do happen to get more than 1 mature follicle DH has agreed to do another IUI this cycle. The chances of it working are slim, but chances of timed intercourse working are even slimmer. I go back on Monday for a follicle check and blood work. They usually tell patients to come in on CD10, but because I sometimes ovulate before that I go in on CD8.

Our IVF information session is on May 7 and I made an appointment to see my RE on May 29. I would have made it for sooner but he's away for like 4 weeks that month :( After the IVF information session we are going to do IVF as soon as we can. However, after doing some research I have noticed that some women are put on IVF waiting lists which would really suck. One of them waited for 7 months! Because of my low ovarian reserve, I don't have much time to be waiting. I have noticed that my AFC keeps getting smaller and smaller which isn't good at all. I have no idea if my clinic has a waiting list or not. I guess I will find out on the 7th. If IVF doesn't work, then I have no idea what we will do. Probably start the adoption process.

Friday 12 April 2013

IUI cycle 5 part 2.

I had my second IUI today. The doctor of the day was Dr. C. Every time this guy does something to me it hurts and today wasn't any different. My IUI hurt and I had some cramping for about an hour after.

 DH's sperm count was worse than yesterday after the wash it was 1.7 million and 42% motility. Before the wash his count was 61 million/ml and 21% motility and his volume was 1.1. Usually that's all the information they give us, but this cycle they added more numbers to his analysis, numbers that I have never heard of. I'm not sure what they mean and google isn't being very helpful lol. Here's what they were:

Progressive (A+B): 38% 

Track Velocity (VCL): 47 μm/s 
Linear Velocity (VSL): 17.3 μm/s 
Path Velocity (VAP): 23.5 μm/s 
Lateral Head Amplitude (ALH): 2.5 μ m 
Linearity (VSL/VCL): 36.6%
Straightness (VSL/VAP) 73.6% 
Beat Frequency (BCF): 8 Hz 

Thursday 11 April 2013

My IUI Experience

Today I had my 7th IUI (5 cycles). Sometimes IUIs can be painful and uncomfortable for me, but today I felt no discomfort or pain at all so that was good. We were going to do the semen sample at home, but the weather was so horrible that we weren't sure if we could get it there within the time period. I think they say that it has to be there within 45 minutes of producing the sample. After that we came back home we had to leave 30 minutes later to go back for the IUI. I asked the doctor if we could do a back to back IUI and at first she said that there's no point because they recently discovered that it doesn't make a difference, but then she looked at DH's semen analysis and said because it was low that she would have no problem with letting us do another IUI tomorrow. I'm happy that I can have another IUI, but a bit concerned about the SA. Before the wash the concentration was 20 million with 25% motility, and after the wash the concentration was 6.5 million with 49% motility. That's kind of low I think. I know that the normal motility is above 50% pre wash, so 49% post wash scares me a little. I'm not sure of his exact numbers because I only looked at the paper for a couple of seconds, but I'm certain that his post wash was 6.5 million with 49% motility.  I'm curious to see if it's any better tomorrow. I also found out that my lining was very thin yesterday. It was 6mm. I know they say that anything over 6mm is good, but I am not okay with that number. I hate how we always end up with borderline low numbers because I know that it's affecting us, but the doctors don't seem to think having borderline low numbers is a problem. Clearly it is a problem or I would have been pregnant by now. Since I didn't respond to the medication this month had a thin lining and with DH's low count, I think it's safe to say that this cycle is a bust already. The doctor of the day said that I won't need progesterone because I had an HCG shot, but I was under the impression that you always need progesterone with injections. Because I have had progesterone issues in the past and a luteal phase defect, I am going to take progesterone this cycle anyways. They are so disgusting and gross, so It was amazing to have a break from them for awhile. I'm going to pee on a pregnancy test on 14DPO. That should be enough time for the HCG to be out of my system. Last cycle I tested on 13DPO and the test was stark white, so I'm pretty sure 14DPO will be accurate. The nurse told me to come back on April 26 for a pregnancy test, but I never make it to the date they give me. Usually they tell you to come back for an ultrasound and blood test the day after the IUI, but this cycle they said there was no point since I had an HCG shot. This clinic always changes their policies lol. It's a bit annoying because I never know what's going on when I go there and they expect me to know all of the changes without ever telling me.

I will be back tomorrow to give an update about my second IUI.

Wednesday 10 April 2013

My Dominant Follicle Grew 5mm in One Day. IUI tomorrow

So, I went to the doctors today to have the usual ultrasound and blood test. I think the doctor said that I have 4 follicles? He said that 3 of them are too small, but my dominant follicle is 24 and ready to go. Yesterday it was 19 and the next day it's 24? That doesn't make much sense to me. I don't understand why medication makes one of my follicles grow super fast, but the other ones hardly grow at all. I thought that the medication was supposed to give you more follicles, not make one of them go out of control and grow rapidly. I'm only on cycle day 8, isn't this too early to be having a follicle that big?  It's funny that I ovulate too early on mediation but ovulate late without any medication. I don't know what is going on with my body, but I don't think it's doing what it should be doing.

My doctor told me to trigger today and have the IUI tomorrow. I'm pretty sure that my LH started to surge before my HCG shot because this morning my ovulation test looked positive. I wanted to wait one more day to trigger because I was pretty sure that my blood test this morning would have shown an LH surge, but the doctor told me not to wait just in case. On CD 3 I told the nurse that I wanted to do a back to back IUI, but when we went up to pay, the receptionist told me that they don't do that anymore and that if I wanted it I would have to get permission from the doctor. I thought that since I told the nurse what I wanted to do and that she was fine with it that it wouldn't be a problem, but I guess I was wrong. I'm going to ask the doctor who is doing the IUI tomorrow if I can come back the next day for another one, but I have a feeling that they will say no. Maybe there's no point in doing a second one anyway, it could be too late. I don't know why I want to have 2 IUIs since I'm 99.99999% sure it won't work. I would say 100%, but nothing is 100%

DH quit smoking in the summer and started taking vitamins a few months ago. I'm pretty sure that I'm the problem and that my eggs are just too shitty for a successful pregnancy, but I'm curious to see if quitting smoking and vitamins has helped my DH's sperm count. It's always less than 10 million after a wash. We will see.

We have to go in between 7-8am to drop off the sample and then go back at 10am for the IUI. Then I go back for an ultrasound and blood test the next day to see if I have ovulated.