Wednesday 15 May 2013

DH and I saw the IVF nurse today and hope to start after my next cycle

I didn't think that I needed to see my doctor before I saw an IVF nurse, so I made an appointment with her first...oops. That's okay though because she said she would see me again on the day that I see my doctor. I'm seeing the doctor to come up with a protocol that will be suited for me. I was happy to hear that because I didn't think I would be getting anything else besides 200 units of Gonal-F. The nurse said that because of my history as a poor responder I will most likely be on a combination of drugs. She said their goal is to turn you into a cat by making you produce lots of eggs at once instead of just one. On May 29 we will see our RE to come up with a protocol and then see the nurse after the appointment to go over the timeline and learn how to prepare and administer drugs. I know how to use a gonal-f pen and ovidrel comes prepared, but I have no clue how to prepare the other drugs that I will be on.

Today the nurse went over all of the consent forms that we need to sign and all of the fees. The actual IVF is $5800. ICSI will be $1000. If we are lucky enough to have extra embryos to freeze, that will cost $875 for freezing with a year of storage and $200 per year after that. If we want to use our leftover embryos (if we have any), it will cost $1000 for thawing and transferring. Our provincial insurance won't cover ultrasounds or blood work for an IVF cycle which is stupid, so that will cost $300 for the cycle. All together not including drugs IVF will cost $7975.

My last sonohystergram was in 2011, so the nurse said that I will need another one before I can do IVF. I'm going to have one this cycle that's coming up. After we see the doctor and nurse on May 29th we will start IVF as soon as they let us which will probably be in June. I'm not sure if I will be on the long protocol or the short protocol, but my guess is the short since I have read that the long isn't good for poor responders. So unless I get pregnant next cycle, it's on to IVF :( I'm excited about trying something new and am very thankful that it's an option for us, but I am pissed off that it has to come to this.


  1. I'm so glad that you guys have a plan and are moving towards it. I'm rooting for you to get your miracle!!!!! Keep us posted on how things go!
