Saturday 4 May 2013

Cycle Day 13 Monitoring Update

My 23mm follicle is now at 25mm. My lining which was 7.2mm yesterday is now 6.9mm. Shouldn't it have got thicker? The doctor said it didn't shrink and that it was just a different measurement, but I always thought your lining should grow like your follicles do, 1-2mm a day. The nurse gave me forms to fill out so I can have my charts. She said it should be ready for me in about 5 days. My hope is that it will be ready on Tuesday when I go in next.

They gave me Ovidrel to take home and DH will inject me with it later tonight. DH is the best, he always gives me my injections. I could probably do it myself, but I feel safer when he does it for some reason, and I don't think he minds. I find it weird that I'm on cycle day 13 with a 25mm follicle and I'm not anywhere near surging. I wonder what would happen if I didn't take the Ovidrel, how big would that follicle get before my body ovulated on its own? I really hope that the clinic calls me today to tell me that I'm surging so I can save the Ovidrel. DH and I are going back to the clinic on Tuesday morning for an ovulation check. We'll be at the clinic twice and on Tuesday, once in the morning and at then for 3 hours at night lol.

I have a pet peeve when it comes to the fertility clinic, but when I vented on a forum about it I got some pretty nasty replies so this time I am going to vent about it on my blog. That's the good thing about blogging, you can say anything you want without people jumping down your throat. I was sitting down waiting to get my blood work done and all I hear is a little boy who is no more than 2 screaming, MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY while he was with his dad. This little boy was very loud and made it very obvious that he was there. It didn't bother me that he was loud or screaming for his mommy, it bothered me that he was there period! I have been going to this clinic for the last 1.5 years getting tortured on nearly a daily basis physically and emotionally so the last thing that I want to see at that place are babies. You would think that if you are going to a fertility clinic you would have some consideration for other patients by not bringing your baby with you. Some people will NEVER have the chance to have a baby, so wouldn't this woman think about this before she brought her baby with her? I know I could have looked at it as a success story, but if that woman was truly struggling with infertility she would have known better and left her baby at home. The father was with her, so why couldn't he have waited in the car? Why couldn't he have taken the kid to McDonald's or somewhere while waiting for the baby's mother? It is GORGEOUS outside, so why couldn't he have taken his very vocal less than 2 year old outside for a walk? Why on earth did these people bring their baby into the clinic knowing that there would be other couples there who are struggling? I wasn't the only one there who was upset, I could tell that a lot of other people were bothered by seeing this little boy run all over the place. Yeah, while the parents get to go home and be with their baby, I am now at home with the thought that I may never be a mother. Thanks a lot to the lady who ruined my day! DH was also very pissed. I don't think I have seen him so upset coming out of the fertility clinic. He told me that he subtly gave the the parents the finger lol. This is my biggest pet peeve when it comes to going to the clinic. Vent over. If whoever reads this feels differently than I do, I am sorry. Everyone handles infertility differently and I just happen to take it very hard. I'm extremely sensitive and things like this makes me sad. Blogging about situations like this is therapy for me.