Friday 3 May 2013

Cycle Day 12 Monitoring Appointment and Random Stuff

We got up early to go to our home away from home, the fertility clinic. I had the usual poking and probing done. My dominant follicle was 23mm today, so it grew 2mm in 1 day which is normal. The doctor told me to get HCG today and then come back for my IUI, which is weird because I told them that I didn't want to do an IUI if I had less than 2 mature follicles. He asked me if I wanted to wait for one more day to see if my other little follicle catches up and I said sure, but I doubt it will be anywhere near mature since it was only 12mm. My body, however, sometimes does some crazy weird things so it is possible that the 12mm could grow but very unlikely. Regardless of what happens tomorrow, we will have the trigger shot. The only way that won't happen is if I surge on my own. I haven't been using my monitor or OPK's, but the clinic checks LH every day so they will call me when and if I surge. I may pee on a stick today anyway just for fun lol.

My lining today was 7.2mm which is normal, but still worries me that it's never in the double digits. I have read that birth control can thin your lining and since I was on it for 7 years, that could be what's causing it to be thinnish. I also wonder if it's thin because of my low ovarian reserve issues. A year ago when we did Gonal-F my lining went over 11mm, so I was sure that my last cycle on Gonal-F it would be the same, but it was only 6mm. A year ago while I was taking Gonal-F I was also taking baby aspirin and wondered if that had anything to do with my thick lining. Since my lining last cycle was thin and I wasn't taking baby aspirin, I'm thinking that maybe it was the baby aspirin that made my lining 11mm and not the Gonal-F. I started taking baby aspirin again about 5 days ago and I'm hoping that I will see a difference in my lining within the next few cycles. My original blood work with the fertility clinic showed that I have thick blood which may be why my lining is thin, and if that's the case, baby aspirin every day should fix that problem.

It really worries me that a year ago I responded well to Gonal-F, but now I don't. I'm hoping that every cycle is different, but I have a gut feeling that my body is what's different and I won't respond well to injections again. This is one of the concerns that I will bring up at the IVF information session on Tuesday. I also found out that this session is 3 hours long! What could they possibly talk about for 3 hours?

I called the clinic when I got home to see how I go about getting all of my lab results, and the nurse said that she would have a copy of my cycle monitoring history tomorrow when I go in. She also said that I could request my whole chart with the receptionist and that I could get it in about 5 days. I don't know why, but I'm a little obsessed when it comes to numbers. I want to go through all of my history at the fertility clinic to see if and how things have changed since I started going there 1.5 years ago. I'm also going to make a page on my blog with all of DH's and my test results so other women can compare if they want.

I'll be back tomorrow to give you another update.

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