Wednesday 28 November 2012

I haven't ovulated yet

Usually the ultrasound technicians say nothing about anything to me. I always have to wait to see the doctor before I know what's going on. When your follicle(s) reach 16mm they use water as a lubricant. Usually you have to go in for ultrasounds starting on day 10 but because I ovulate stupidly early on medication, they tell me to come in on day 8. This cycle I didn't go in on day 8 because I was too sick to get out of bed. I asked the technician to use water just in case she thought that day 10 was too early for mature follicles and used lubricant. I then told her how they called me yesterday and told me that I was surging and to come back today for an ultrasound to see if I ovulated or not. After she was done the ultrasound she looked at me and said that my follicle from yesterday was still there. I was a bit concerned that TI was going to be too late this month, but I'm still in the running (HAHAHAHAHA....yeah right). Me get pregnant? PALEASE! 

My follicle today was 27mm and my lining was 7.1mm. The doctor of the day told me that sometimes an egg can release from a follicle but then the follicle seals up and stays around making it hard to know if you have actually ovulated or not. He told me that if my progesterone indicated that I ovulated that I would have to come back tomorrow to see if the follicle was gone. They called me around 2pm to tell me that I was still surging and my progesterone was still down. The nurse, who I absolutely adore, told me to have fun and come back on the weekend to check for ovulation. I usually go back a day or 2 after ovulation, but this time it will be 4-5 days after ovulation. I'm curious to know how thick my lining will be that far after ovulation. My hopes is that it gets thicker and isn't too thin. 

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