Saturday, 23 November 2013

My Tweaked Test

I tweaked my test and so see a line. When I tweaked my test from yesterday and the day before, I saw nothing. Please let this be it. I only have 4 tests left lol. I am going to use one later tonight and then again tomorrow. That will leave me with 2 tests that I will use on Monday. Image and video hosting by TinyPic

I think it worked.

So I woke up this morning and took a FRER and within seconds the faintest pink line showed up. It's so light that it's hard to see, but without a doubt it is there. I'm not getting my hopes up yet since the test could be faulty or I'm just seeing things. I have peed on millions of tests within the past 3 years and have only seen second lines when I was taking HCG. This time I didn't need to have a trigger shot, so why else would there be a line? Maybe I am just getting my hopes up and seeing things, I don't know. In a few hours I will pee again lol.
Here's my test from this morning 4dp5dpt:

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Friday, 22 November 2013

My symptoms so far

I know some of you may think it's too early to feel symptoms and that most symptoms are caused by medications, but the fact that I have been taking estrogen and progesterone for a long time now, and my symptoms just started yesterday, makes me think that they may be real. I know I shouldn't get my hopes up, but I did have 2 perfect embryos placed in my uterus so there's a good chance I could be pregnant. (I hope I didn't jinx myself by saying that). These are my symptoms:

  1. fatigue/exhaustion
  2. irritability
  3. extreme hunger
  4. weird and vivid dreams
  5. mild uterine cramping and pinching
  6. a weird taste in my mouth that tastes like blood
  7. very bad headaches (I NEVER get headaches)
I'm not sure if these symptoms mean anything, but a girl can wish right? After 3 years of trying to have a baby, I notice every little thing that is going on in my body. DH said that I have been acting very strange lately and he has noticed a difference in my personality. 

The only problem is my gut is telling me that I'm not pregnant. Deep down I can feel that this hasn't worked. I hate feeling like this. I wish I wasn't so negative all of the time, and it doesn't help that my FRERs are coming back negative. I know 3dp5dpt is insanely early, so I have to keep that in mind. Someone at the RBA told me that in the past month 3 ladies had negative HPTs but had positive betas. My blood test is scheduled for this Wednesday and I have no idea how to keep sane until then lol. I will continue to pee on pregnancy tests until then and hope that a second line shows. As soon as I wake up tomorrow I will take another FRER. If it was negative today I don't see it being positive tomorrow, but you never know. The idea of getting pregnant just seems impossible. I feel my odds of winning the $50 million lotto max tonight are better than seeing a second line on a test lol. 

Some Embryo Photoshop Fun

Yeah, I have way too much time on my hands lol. I have been playing around with my embryo on photoshop and have made a couple of pictures. I suck at photoshop and am just learning to use it.

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I am going to continue to make my embryo look pretty lol. I just need to think of some ideas.

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Let The Daily Testing Begin!

My plan this cycle was to test every day after my transfer. Yesterday I tested and saw absolutely nothing, obviously. Today I tested thinking I wouldn't see anything, but I swear I see the faintest of faintest line. It's probably my eyes playing tricks on me, but I'm having fun so that's all that matters. I know from past experiences not to get my hopes up. I also know that 2dp5dpt is waaaay too early, but I need something to keep my mind preoccupied so why not test every day? lol.

Here's my picture of todays test. It's a bit blurry, but if you look closely there's a hint of a pink line.

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

I don't think it worked

I had my transfer yesterday and today I am convinced it hasn't worked. I know it's still early, but I'm pretty sure this isn't happening. This afternoon I started to feel very cranky and bitchy! I am majorly PMSing. I am so irritable that I feel like ripping my hair out and screaming at the top of my lungs for absolutely no reason at all. I have been seeing big spots of bright red blood when I wipe after using the washroom. I knew it was too good to be true. WTF is wrong with me? I don't understand why I can't get pregnant. I was so excited and hopeful yesterday, but that has all changed today. FML!

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Embryo Transfer Complete!

I just finished my transfer, and everything went better than expected. I thought for sure all 4 of my embryos were going to die. When I went into the room for my transfer I saw one embryo on the screen so then I thought that it was the only embryo that made it. The embryologist came into the room to tell me that all 4 of my embryos made it to blasts and they were perfect. He insisted that I only transfer 1, but after going at this for so long I wanted the best chance so I begged him to transfer 2. After about 30 minutes of him saying no, he finally gave in and allowed me to transfer 2 lol. I'm not sure what the grades of the embryos are, but I was told they were the best they could be for day 5. Not only did we have 2 transferred, but we also have 2 frozen embryos. I am so excited to finally be at this point, as I never thought I would make it to a transfer. I am feeling very confident. I know that may be a bad thing because I don't want to get my hopes up. I have had my hopes up many times before, but this time is different, it's something we have never done before.

Even though I had 2 transferred, they gave me a picture of 1. I don't know what I'm looking for, but I thought a blast would have had more going on. I guess it's time to google like crazy lol.