Friday, 23 November 2012

My weird cycle...

Well, at first my period seemed to be doing it's normal thing. I had heavy bleeding, big clots, and of course excruciating pain. But, then it started to get weird. After only 2 days AF just stopped. This was my shortest AF ever. I also get horrible hip and leg pain after my period ends which stays for 2 days, but this month I didn't have that. So I had AF for 2 days, and on CD4 up until now I have been having small amounts of EWCM and lots of ovary pain. I would have thought that it was my cyst getting bigger or something, but the doctor said my cyst was in my left ovary and the ovary pain I have been having for the past 2 days has been in my right ovary, so these ovary twinges aren't caused by that cyst, is it possible that I got another one? I'm not sure if cysts even cause pain. I only experience this type of pain when I'm close to ovulating, when I have big follicles. And what is up with the EWCM? Could it be the cyst producing estrogen, or could I be ovulating super early this month? I have a weird feeling that when I go in for my next ultrasound they are going to be telling me that I already ovulated. I have read that ovulating this early could be a sign of bad eggs. Apparently it's not good to have one follicle that matures super quick. I really should stop reading. The short period and the feeling that I'm going to ovulate on cycle day 7, is making this cycle a bit weird. 

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

It's only CD3 and I'm already out.

I went for my cycle day 3 monitoring appointment this morning. Of course I have a cyst in my left ovary and if my E2 is too high this cycle will be cancelled. I'm a bit confused because before when I had cysts they never told me that the cycle would be cancelled. They told me to come back like usual, but this time the doctor told me to cancel everything. This sucks. I hate not knowing what's going on with my body. I feel like the fertility clinic has stopped caring because I have been going there for so long. My own doctor told me to take a break, and now this? If there is nothing that can be done for me, then what's the point of getting brutal AFs every month? I might as well go back on Depo. There is no point in getting a period if I can't get pregnant. 

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Our Fertility Specialist Appointment.

On Tuesday we went to see our doctor. He's old, so sometimes he's cranky and sometimes he is supper happy. Well, we happened to get him on one of his cranky days lol. I have seen him crankier so it wasn't so bad. 

We asked him if there are any more tests that should be done to rule anything out and he said no :(. He sad we have done every test that there is. We asked him if DH should see a urologist because of his low numbers, but he said that it wasn't necessary. He says that we likely have a fertilization problem. My husbands sperm cannot penetrate my eggs. Apparently, the edges of my eggs could be too thick for any sperm to penetrate, that or the sperm can't get to them. As you approach menopause the edges of your eggs become too thick for any sperm to get through. Since early menopause runs in my family and because of my numbers, he believes that this may be what my problem is. The only way to tell for sure if the edges of my eggs are too thick is IVF of course. It was really funny, he said that they used to try to fertilize hamster eggs with your partners sperm to see if it was a sperm or an egg issue, but it didn't work so they don't do that anymore. He told us we need IVF, but we have no coverage whatsoever and IVF is expensive. My husband said that we might be able to afford it in the summer. Hopefully it doesn't get to that point. I don't want to go through the torture. 

Because of my brutally horrid periods, I asked him if I could possibly have endometriosis and he said no. He said that none of my ultrasounds or blood work indicate endometriosis, but the only way to know for sure is to have a laparoscopy. He said I don't need one, but I guess to reassure me he referred me to a specialist who does them. My doctor said he used to do them, but no longer can't because of his age. 

Dr. Ewok told us that we should take another break and come back in the new year. Back in May he told us to take a break, but it did nothing but make me insane so I'm not going through that again. We told him that we don't want to break from going to the clinic. We are taking a break from IUIs since we are going away in January and need to save money. He upped my Femara from 7.5 mg a day to 12.5mg a day, so instead of taking 3 pills a day for 5 days I have to take 5 pills a day for 5 days. I never usually see women online get that high of a dose, so this should be interesting. 

I'm 5dpo and just waiting to pee on a pregnancy test that will come back with one line, and then I can stop my progesterone and start all over again. 

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Femara/Letrozole does crazy things to my body.

I went in for my CD 8 ultrasound this morning, and I already have a mature follicle at 18. Why do medications like Femara and Clomid do this to me? I'm not complaining by all means, but I don't understand why one follicle grows super fast while on medication. I had other little ones that were all under 1.3. It is possible that the 13 can make it. I have had it happen before where small follicles caught up to the bigger ones. Once I had a follicle grow 4mm in 24 hours, so it is possible that my 13 will become a 17 by tomorrow. I love having normal cycles, well at least I think they're normal. By normal I mean ovulating before CD17 like usual and having a normal length LP. 

I am going to see my fertility specialist next Tuesday. We were originally going to have 2 IUIs, one with Femara and one with Gonal-F. However, I changed my mind. DH asked me if I would rather a phone instead of Gonal-F, and because the phone was less than half the price of Gonal-F and I wanted this phone forever, I got the phone. Instead of doing Gonal-F this cycle we did Femara. I ran out repeats and I'm hoping that my doctor will give me another prescription. If this IUI is unsuccessful we are taking an IUI break. I still want to be monitored, but maybe every other month instead of every month? I'm not sure yet. I definitely want to be on Femara and Progesterone because they make my cycle normal. 

We were going to do IVF in January, but decided to go on a cruise instead. We both need a vacation. We need to get our minds off all of this fertility torture, and I think a cruise will do just the trick. We went on a cruise to Mexico last year and loved it. This time we are going on a 7 night Eastern Caribbean cruise. We leave here on January 19. I'm super excited.  

Monday, 29 October 2012

Ovary pain and lots of EWCM on CD8

I know that the thought of ovulating this early is crazy, but it has happened before. The earliest I O'd on Femara was CD9, and I'm on CD 7 right now. I am having lots of ewcm and ovary pain. I know the ovary pain are follicles growing, but I can't explain the EWCM. I will find out what is going on when I get an ultrasound tomorrow.  

Monday, 22 October 2012

Dollarama Pregnancy Tests Are Crap. False Positive

What an evil evil evaporation  line I had the other day on a pro care dollarama pregnancy test. I thought  for sure I was pregnant, but nooo of course not. I don't understand why all of my tests had lines. What a cruel and evil trick. To make up for this, I better get pregnant with triplets next cycle.

Saturday, 20 October 2012

Maybe I'm not out?

I have done more tests and they have come back with faint lines again. I have no idea what is going on. I have been getting lines on dollar store tests and lines on the loblaws early result brand. You would think if I was pregnant I would have a positive FRER, aren't they supposed to be the most accurate? Why am I always so thirsty, could it be a symptom?

We are going to Isis tomorrow to get a blood test to see if the tests are right, or if they are evil evaps.

These are what my tests looked like from tonight. They were both taken with different urine

Dollarama test

Loblaws test